The Vision:
To reflect the multi-dimensional glorious Body of Christ as contenders for the faith in truthful and loving pursuit of God’s vision for His children, the church, and kingdom in heaven and earth.
The Mission:
To glorify YHWH and replicate His heavenly kingdom on earth.
THE GOSPELLENNIUM™ was officially incorporated on October 22, 2021 under the description of Christian ministry services for the sole purpose of re-imagining what an effective contemporary Christian assembly might look like in a post-western Christian world. What makes this new thriving Madison based organization and affiliate brand of Zion City, Inc., unique is its location in a predominately White majority-led and populated city, the diversity and cultural background of its founder and charter board members, and establishment as a multi-dimensional ministry (multicultural, multiracial, multi-generational, and multi-economical) built from the ground floor.
Moreover, THE GOSPELLENNIUM™ is the name under which the vision and mission is to be carried out, and the brand under which all of the following objectives will be strategically implemented, executed, and realized. It’s complement, THE EVANGELLENNIUM™, represents an alternate name and brand in the form of an electronic (and printed) magazine through which all products and services will be shared.