RAP Peer Specialists
Welcome to the RAP Peer Specialist.
RAP (RENEWAL AFTER PRISON) is a pilot project designed to assist men and women who have experienced incarceration in the Wisconsin Prison System at any phase of their reentry process with the difficult task of transition.
The core focus of this project is two-fold:
To utilize educational tools and resources to help prepare these men and women to meet their basic needs.
To help them assess in a face-to-face/person-to-person, realistic/holistic way the challenges before them and how to properly and successfully navigate systemic, structural, institionalized, and internal/personal barriers in a positive way.
This will be accomplished through peer support, case management, and the elemental curriculum of the RAP Project.
James Morgan, Founder/Visionary & Lead Peer Specialist
RAP Projects
Initial engagement with and into the RAP Project will involve creating fluidity for men women who have been overly "programed", or who could not access relevant programming while in prison, by creating an action-based platform that emphasizes input and creativity from these same individuals with regard to the challenges of reentry, ultimately helping to shape the project to support each participants' individual and collective need(s).
RAP Partnerships
RAP will partner with specific and specialized service providers who provide Mental Health, AODA, and Family Reunification services, Education and Employment training, and Housing Assistance. These partnerships and other collaborative efforts are necessary as part of the holistic approach to meeting the needs of participants in the project.
RAP Participation
RAP aims to provide services up to fifty (50) participants and their families annually. Download the RAP brochure below and spread the word!
Email us today: RapPeerSpecialist@Gmail.Com