Coliér McNair | Chief Executive Servant
Presiding Pastor | Founding Proprietor

Photo courtesy of my friend the late Marcus Miles

Coliér McNair is a social innovator and accelerator and leader of society who’s work revolves around cultural growth and progress intelligence (CGPQ™) and the issue of reconciling this profound and deep wound that needs to heal and calling people of faith to that same work.

“When my friend Jim Bower (expert strategists, Chicago politics) first introduced me to the idea of becoming a Social Innovation Accelerator he charged me to look deep within myself and embrace this call [social innovation] that was clearly there for the taking if only I would muster the courage to acknowledge who I was and what I was obviously being called to do. My time with Jim, Dr. Alex Gee, Rev. Dr. Marcus Allen, and ministry friends at Blackhawk Church helped to formulate the unique platform I now enjoy which has long existed in the black church and afforded to those many notable and extraordinary leaders who helm from this great sacred American religious institution.”

Coliér McNair is pastor at Blackhawk African American Ministries, a ministry of Blackhawk Church in Madison, Wisconsin, where the bulk of his time in this capacity is committed to helping to build and bring about a fluid biblically correct cross cultural intercultural experience.